“Running in Trauma Stilettos”
A Raw Glimpse at Grief and Life After Loss
After my husband’s accident in October 2021, I looked desperately for something (a book, podcast, etc.) that I felt I could relate to–that validated all the emotions I was feeling and actions I was taking after experiencing trauma and grief.
I also received many messages from individuals sharing their stories of tragedy and loss, wanting to connect with someone, because they too, did not have a point of reference or something in the world that made them feel SEEN in their own trauma and grief.
After my husband’s death I knew that I needed to write a memoir about my family’s experience. I felt that I needed to provide a work of art that I was searching for when I was going through the worst days of my life, so others could use it as a way to not feel so alone as they too were going through adversities. This memoir is my way of saying to others “I see you,” and “you’re not alone.”
From the Introduction:
"I wrote this memoir for all the young widows and mothers who, like me, have been in the dark crevices of life and know what it’s like to step into hellish shoes you can never take off. This memoir is for all the people who have been through grief and trauma, who have had thoughts and feelings that scared you and that you felt no one else could truly understand. The stories in this book may not look exactly like yours, but I hope you can see yourself in some of them."