Into the Light
For the woman that feels lost in the darkness of grief who wants to get unstuck, find herself, and LIVE again
After losing someone you love – especially when that person was YOUR person – it can feel impossible to move forward.
Part of you doesn’t even want to let go of your grief.
After all, it feels like that’s all you have left of them.
And the idea of moving on feels terrifying.
You don’t know what that new version of your life might look like – all you know is you don’t have your person by your side anymore.
It hurts. A lot.

Along with carrying what feels like unimaginable pain, you’re holding onto anger, rage, frustration, fear and confusion.
You don’t understand why this had to happen.
YOU didn’t choose this.
You’re in the heavy fog of grief – but there IS a way out, back into the sunshine.
Into the Light
A self-paced grief course designed to help you become empowered, regain control and reclaim your identity to create a beautiful life after loss
You’re ready to start living again, but you don’t know how – it feels like your grief has completely overtaken you, and you can’t escape.
After becoming a widow at the age of 35 with a baby and a 4-year-old, I realized there weren’t many resources for people like us…
People with shattered hearts who want so badly to heal but don’t know where to start.
That’s why I’ve created Into the Light – a step-by-step guide for building a firm foundation to support you as you transition into your new identity and live FULLY again.
I’ve been there.

Inside the course, you’ll learn how to:
✔️ Live in a world without your person while still honoring their memory
✔️ Set healthy boundaries and release yourself from the opinions of others
✔️ Become your OWN source of comfort, even on the really hard days
✔️ Cultivate joy and peace in your internal world despite what’s happening externally
✔️ Recognize when your grief is lying to you (and how to return to the truth)
Into the Light will help you better understand your grief AND provide you with the intentional ACTION steps to take to move forward – because *BOTH* are essential on your journey out of the darkness.
You’ll have tangible, practical tools and strategies at your fingertips, along with thoughtful writing exercises to expand your heart and mind as you discover what’s holding you back.
I know what works because not only have I pulled myself out of the darkness, but I’ve also helped dozens of my grief coaching clients find the light again – and now?
It’s your turn.
Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect in Into the Light:
Module 1 - Grief Is My Thing Now
After I lost my husband, I [eventually] came to the realization that I could allow the intensity of my grief to dismantle the rest of my life… OR I could fight to find myself again and create a life I was proud of. I chose to fight.
In Module 1, I’m helping you prepare for your own fight.
That begins with first understanding that you have gone through something unimaginable and life-altering, and there is no going back – there is only staying stuck or moving forward into the unknown.
You’ll also work through a powerful writing exercise to determine exactly how you’re feeling (the good, the bad, the ugly) and where you want to be once you complete this course.
Module 2 - Resistance: The Things Keeping You Stuck in Grief
There are MANY reasons you may be stuck in your grief – and NONE of them are your fault.
In Module 2, you’ll learn how to overcome what’s holding you back and walk into the light again, one step at a time.
We’re addressing traumatic loss and how to heal from it, the ways guilt and unhealthy coping mechanisms are making it impossible for you to escape the darkness, and why it’s essential for your grief to be witnessed.
Part of learning is APPLYING your new knowledge (that’s how it sticks), so throughout Module 2, you’ll complete journal prompts and writing exercises, experiment with new habits + routines, move your body to release stored trauma, and much more.
It’s time to reclaim your identity and step into the new version of yourself with curiosity, intentionality, patience and grace.
In Module 3, you embrace the messy, magical, beautiful process of transforming into the new YOU.
You’ll learn how to honor + validate yourself WITHOUT slipping back into old, unhelpful behaviors, and you’ll practice setting healthy boundaries with your loved ones. Plus, you’ll discover how to be your own source of comfort as you continue to navigate your grief journey.
You already know you can’t go back – that’s not an option. But what you CAN do is pave a path forward that fills you with joy, peace and LIFE.
Module 3 - Building a Foundation to Create a Beautiful Life: Identity & Confidence
Into the Light is a self-guided course, which means you get to move at your OWN pace.
Healing is a verb – that means you will have to DO things to get the most out of each module, but there’s no rush. That’s why, once you purchase Into the Light, it’s yours forever.
In other words, you can move through this course as slowly or as quickly as you wish – your timeline is perfect.
Begin your journey with Into the Light with
2 separate payment options:
Into the Light is for you if you…
✨ Want to get out of survival mode and LIVE again while still honoring your loved one’s memory
✨ Have felt helpless, hopeless or totally lost on your grief journey and want tools and strategies to help you regain your sense of self
✨ Feel consumed by your grief and want a way to move forward that isn’t full of platitudes and passive advice – you want to HEAL
✨ Are struggling to live without your person and don’t know how to “start over” – especially because you never asked for this
✨ Can’t stand toxic positivity and want to learn how to feel your grief fully while also LIVING fully
Into the Light helps you intentionally engage in your life again and create a beautiful path forward WITHOUT dismissing your feelings or diminishing the trauma you have endured.
You already know that doesn’t work – otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.
What DOES work?
Shifting your mindset, reframing your thoughts, changing your behaviors, and learning to cope in healthy ways as you also process your feelings.
It’s ALL part of the journey.
I’m ready to help you take your first step into the light – will you take my hand?
Hi, I’m Whitney Allen.
My life changed forever on October 14, 2021, when my late husband, Ryan, had a very rare and severe reaction to a bee sting leading to cardiac arrest and an anoxic brain injury.
I officially became a widow 6 months later on April 7, 2022, after it became clear that no meaningful recovery was possible and our family made the hardest decision of our lives to let him go.
At this point, our oldest son was 4 years old, and our youngest son was just 4 months old.
I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to not only survive the loss of my husband but to also honor him by thriving in my grief. I vowed that I would make the limited time I had on this earth magical, and special, just like Ryan had.
I adopted rituals and everyday practices that helped me take back the power and joy I lost during my husband’s ordeal, and I began sharing the revelations in my grief journey with others – how I was able to grow and recreate through my grief rather than lose myself in it. I received so many messages from other grievers who felt stuck in their grief and wanted to live joyfully and with peace while still integrating their deceased loved one into their lives.
I felt it was my calling to continue to share my grief journey and help those who felt overwhelmed and limited by their grief.
Today, I am a grief educator, certified through renowned grief expert David Kessler’s certification program, and I help other women through my 1:1 grief coaching program.
My ultimate goal is to demonstrate that you get to decide how you want to write the next chapter in your life after loss. I want to show you that even in the deepest pit of despair and sadness, there is a redemption story waiting for you. You may not see it now, but believe me when I say this…
Loving life again is
My purpose is to help you find yourself again – your smile, your laugh, your intrinsic magic that is still inside you.
I’m here to help you every step of the way.
A letter from a past client
It took some time to find the right words that truly express my thoughts and gratitude so others might know the impact you have made in this journey of grief that few understand.
For those that may be reading this I remember the first conversation I had with Whitney. It was an October Day, the sun was shining, and here was this widow just sobbing uncontrollably. Whitney calmly listened while, through all the tears, I had told her I think I am going crazy!
Here was a women that could barely get through one sentence, a wife who had experienced a sudden loss of her husband after 41 years of marriage, a nurse who has cared for so many patients through their process of dying and caring for their families but I could not/did not know how to care for myself. My world had imploded.
I truly believe my husband played a role in this. He knew I needed someone who understood grief and he knew my personality. I do better when someone is calm, patient, compassionate, and most of all authentic. Let’s face it grief sucks but how do I learn to live again? Together we discussed tools that would work for me in my life. For myself that is journaling and learning to exercise. Through our sessions I have learned that grief and trauma changes our brain, changes who we are as a person. We talked about learning about myself all over again and that it is ok not to feel ok. I gained a greater understanding that to move forward I will eventually have to learn to balance grief and joy and both can exist at the same time. Whitney has provided me with all this insight and knowledge can be power in our lives.
I have received validity in my feelings and fears from Whitney. She shares her own personal journey with honesty and truth. People that takes a lot of courage and strength when you are a widow yourself. There is not a lot discussion regarding grief and Whitney and some other widows are now sharing their experiences to open up further discussion and understanding for the future. Kudos for anyone willing to have the strength to open themselves up for others.
I have spoken often with Whitney regarding the “quilt”. I believe that when we are born our birth is the first square on our quilt of life. From there every event, experience, and person that impacts out life or makes us who we are adds a square to our quilt of life. Right now my quilt is very messy but I discuss with Whitney that somehow, when my life quilt is completed I want more beauty in it after this messiness. That is how Whitney also guides me and in a sense that is an anchor for me. She has become another addition to my life quilt and for that I am grateful.
My hope for anyone struggling in their grief journey they know there is someone who understands and is moving through the process herself. I have such respect for what I have learned from Whitney and yet she teaches me there will always be the challenge of balancing grief with joy.
If you need support and are feeling like your life has imploded just know there is hope and I could not have gotten this far without Whiney’s help and guidance. I wish for anyone reading this, take a leap of faith and trust the process. Whitney will guide you through it with all of the qualities I noted above. You will be in a safe place with her.
Although I am a widow, this course is implementable and impactful for anyone who has been through a life-altering loss, which is a death that completely reshapes and shifts your identity and how you can live your life.
This type of death can affect many different aspects of your life and your ability to function and perform day-to-day activities. Commonly, this type of loss is associated with many secondary losses apart from the primary loss of a person and can affect how you interact with others. There are typically few things in someone’s life that are not “touched” by a life-altering loss, which is why it can often be incredibly overwhelming, all-consuming and destabilizing.
This course will illuminate your pathway to healing, help you get unstuck, and develop the skills and confidence you need to build a life you love after loss.
Through my own experience of grief after the death of my husband and working with clients and seeing how they can transform their lives after loss using my techniques and methodologies, I know that healing requires intentionality. Healing is not a passive endeavor, but an active one.
This course is exactly that – an intentional and thoughtful guide.
Into the Light provides you with the necessary information to educate and inform you because knowledge and understanding WHY we feel the way we do can be powerful in the arena of grief, but it won’t stop there.
This course includes intentional action steps, tangible and practical tools and strategies to experiment with, and thoughtful writing exercises to expand your mind and heart to discover what is holding you back in your grief and how to move forward to create a beautiful life after loss while honoring your unique grief experience.
This course contains three modules. The first module introduces you to my story and what brings me to the world of grief and loss, and in the second module, we’ll dive into the aspects of grief you may find are causing you to feel resistant and stuck after a loss.
After you have identified what is holding you back and find a way to accept and release that resistance, the third module helps you take a step into the light and build a foundation upon which you can then create a beautiful life. Additionally, the third module addresses establishing confidence and a new identity after an unimaginable loss.
We will also discuss practical issues like handling the judgment and criticism of others when we start making changes and transitions in our lives after loss and creating boundaries to protect our healing. Throughout the course, you’ll find 10 thoughtfully curated writing exercises as well.
In grief, our capacity for life ebbs and flows day to day or even moment to moment, so I intended Into the Light to be self-guided and take as long as it needs to take.
There is a lot of information in this course (approximately 70 slides worth), but I wanted to develop a course that you can consume, take notes on, process and come back to at your own time and speed depending upon your unique life circumstance.
I will guide you during the course to take breaks and lean into the writing exercises and activities so you get the most out of the program
Ultimately, Into the Light can be accomplished in a day or two, but it will be just as impactful if completed over a longer period of time. It all depends on the speed at which you want to go, and it gives you a lot of grace to move at the exact pace you need.
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive about grief is, “Where do I even start?” As a result, I have created a program that will show you exactly where to begin if you feel lost, overwhelmed and consumed by grief.
I will hold your hand as I show you what steps to take, tangible activities to implement into your life, mindset shifts to begin practicing, and routines and rituals you can start today to feel more in control of your life and reclaim what death has stolen from you.
Into the Light will not give you abstract philosophies about death and grief that cannot be implemented into your life for meaningful change and transformation. Instead, this self-paced course will tell you exactly why you feel the way you do within the experience of grief and how to begin finding the light in your life after a life-shattering loss.
It is my intention that at the completion of this course, you will have so much more confidence in yourself and clarity about how to move forward in your life.